Personal data
processing policy

This agreement for the processing of personal data is drawn up in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152 "On Personal Data".

Site visitors, when placing (entering) their personal data on the website, consent to the processing of their personal data specified in the form on this site, and confirm that they give such consent, acting in their personal interests.

Personal data refers to the following information: general information about visitors (name, contact phone number and e-mail address).

Website visitors send their personal data to receive free information about the services and give their consent to receive promotional information about the services provided by the website.

The processing of personal data includes the following actions: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, change), use, destruction and transfer to third parties in order to effectively fulfill the order.

Citizens guarantee that the information is complete, accurate and reliable; when providing information, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the legal rights and interests of third parties are not violated; All information provided is filled in regarding yourself personally.

Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data can be carried out by sending a corresponding order in a simple written form to the e-mail address (E-mail)


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